This Children's botanical book has authentic imagery and illustrations to provide fun facts, new words, and information about plants, flowers, and seeds. This curious Cat character tells the story and appears on all the pages as a fun companion to each page.
During the pandemic and confinement, everyone and I started appreciating the simple things we lost because of the lockdowns. In Perú, it was mandatory, and you could only circulate with special permission. Thankfully I lived in a house with many open spaces where plants, flowers, and nature grow. I grew up in this house but never fully observed the beauty that was right under my nose. As I took several walks a day to clear my mind away, I started noticing blooming flowers, leaves changing color, and unusual shapes. I began thinking of myself as a kid discovering the world for the first time. This was the trigger idea to start this botanical book.
Collecting is a creative practice that allows you to establish connections between a set of objects and the opportunity to learn. Since I started this collection of natural elements, my curiosity grew about the individual plants, their similarities and differences, and so many things I did not know. Starting by their name, followed by their qualities. My mother is a landscaper with vast knowledge about plants, so I had someone to ask and corroborate what I learned or my ideas.

I've always liked illustration with no prior training; thus, I need help with some aspects of character design. Especially maintaining consistency in the character while changing poses. To overcome this hurdle, I drew a lot using cat images as models to understand how to picture their bodies. I was satisfied with the characters that I developed.

I enjoy creating magical and fantastical illustrations. I took one fun fact or piece of information form what I gathered from each plant and illustrated an imaginative scenario.