This book shows my own design process. I personally focus my practice on materiality and how can those help me tell my own story or idea. Materials, crafts, and different making methods make me who I am as a designer. Selecting material, learning other techniques, and trying them out inform my design aesthetics.
Color plays a significant role in my creative process. I am drawn to bright, vibrant colors, mainly achievable through screen-based colors. Since my work has a home mainly in a printed matter, I struggle with the translation of color between screen RGB colors and printed CMYK. This book also shows my quest to find this balance.
I am an organized person who makes the most out of time and hours in the day to make and remake. Post it is a tool that helps me remember, keep my design process organized, and mark project milestones. Throughout this publication, you will encounter posts like markers, notes, and comments that I would generally use in my notebooks and sketches.
My design practice is built over unconventional and diverse use of material. When creating this process book, I had two clear ideas that I wanted to be able to show through the publication: One, aesthetics, inclusion of vibrant colors, and two, the incorporation of diverse materials. In this publication, I added canvas paper. risograph printing, transparency paper, linen paper, embroidery, and weaving bookbinding.

Disclaimer: The PDF version seems unfinished because many parts of the book were assembled in print and not in the document's setting.