A quick design exercise to take a Wikipedia page and create a pamphlet from the information provided. The second stage of this prompt was to take a link inside the origin page, design a second pamphlet, and then a final one out of another link. this chain of links created a set of three leaflets.
I've always loved illustrating, and when I started my design career, It was through drawing. For this exercise, I found it much easier to begin illustrating to connect with the topic. I remember this children's book was one of the first that caught my attention, and I have a deep relationship with it because of it.

Through the speeds, I started weaving a spider web thread to Han the illustrations and titles. This web also bleeds through the pictures in a mono-stroke style like the spider's thread had composed it.

The next choice of wikipedia page is Children's literature to have a more extensive text to work with and have a robust pamphlet that had long-format text.

The third and last selection in the wikipedia thread I chose Pipi longstocking which was one of my favorite as a Child because I was also a trouble maker when young. I used to climb trees, I had ripped socks and jeans. I tried to incorporate that playful aspect within the pages of the book